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From: Dan Oister (dano, gtme dot cc)
Date: 2002.02.19 - 08.34 MST

X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400


The market momentum is swinging towards disk being a backup medium for networked data.  At one point, over half of the Snap Appliances sold were used to back up data (instead of being used to serve files - which was their primary design intent).

Disk replication as a protection scheme increased 19% in last year's market analysis.  

So, where does that put us?  Exactly in the right spot!

If we can help tape manufacturers to provide the same functionality as disk - instantaneous data transfers - both for backup and restore, but add the capability of offsite disaster recovery volumes - we'll hit the needs of the market right in the 'bulls-eye'.

The attached article is from a storage consultant regarding this topic.  ( - February 19)

Dan O

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